Progress Report on activity of business skill training and assertiveness training for 160 war-affected women through economic empowerment programme in Lasta and Lalibela wereda in North Wollo zone, Amhara Regional state.

The training was taken from  03/08/2022 -05/08/2022 for three days(business skill training) and  06/08/2022 for one day assertiveness training in the same station in three kebeles stations, which are:-

  1. 1. Ato Yamral Adane (Trainer Of the Group 1) composed of 50 trainees: Erffa kebele
  2. 2. Atala Kassaw(Trainer Of the Group 2) composed of 55 trainees: Aidefer kebele/Dabo Ketema
  3. Wubanchi Gashaw (Trainer Of the Group 3) composed of 55 trainees: Shalo kebele/ Gragn Amba

The training was taken by certified consultants (See their attachment on the end of report under evidence)

Background of the beneficiaries

The trainees of the business skill were fully women (with age interval of 18-55) that are war-affected due to war between TPLF and Ethiopian Government. The war resulted in both livelihood and psychosocial impacts on people, particularly women and children. So, AAE (Action Aid Ethiopia) and NMWEO as implementer began to provide on business skill training and economic empowerment support, it clarifies the critical thinking being able to know the concept of their work place, adaptability, cultural understanding and their complex problem the trainees are the survivors war, who faces different violations, most of them are sexual and psychological violence survivor victims. So, the training was open on how to reverse their mental health. They give emphasis necessity of starting a business. The training was very entertaining through participation and group discussion among each other.

In each kebele we form a group, each group contains 10 -12 individuals, then they can communicate and solve problems in their daily activities and in assertiveness training we introduce the ability to speak up each other in a way that is honest and respectful. Every day they should be in a situation where being assertive can help them. We use refreshment from each site from the community legal business licensed sectors.

Day 1: Financial Management skill

  • Under these lesson what does it mean finance and what is financial management means. Further what does it mean assets and how we value it.
  • Revision of Simple mathematical like sum,divide,subtraction and multiplication concept and their use in financial marketing and selling of products/services
  • How does means income and expense what is the difference of them
  • How to calculate income and debit as using business leisure
  • How to record expenses and incomes

Day 2: Time management ,Communication skill and sale management skills

  • What does it mean time management and importance of time in the business as one asset
  • What does it mean communication?
  • What is effective communication and its importance
  • Types of communication and their function
  • Media/channel of communication and their use for running business
  • Advertising skills for sale and using the cheapest and best channel in market environment
  • How we approach our customer in best way to run our sale
  • How we manage sell?

Day 3: Developing Business plan

  • What does it mean business plan
  • Components of business plan
  • Identifying area of business the best applicable
  • Factors considered to be before designing a business plan
    • Capital
    • Land/area of market
    • Accessibility
    • The need of the item we produce in the market
    • The price of the input that we want product
    • Tax or other charges/polices that support or discourage our effort
  • All these issues are deeply presented and discussed by skilled trainers and finally they form group and design their own business plan and they check weather it is applicable or not.

Day 4: Training of Life-skill and Assertiveness


Training was conducted to strengthened and support women which were affected during the conflict between TPLF and Ethiopian Government Force through awareness raising  by Giving Life skill and assertiveness skill that contribute for their business running.


The main Topic of the Training was

  1. What about life skills?
  2. What does it mean Self-awareness, Self-steam and Self-asertiveness
  3. Leadership skills
  4. Decision making and conflict management skills- Negotiations skill

Life skills-is the abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enables individuals to effectively deal with the demands and challenges of everyday life.

What is the importance of Life skills/discussion?
What does it mean assertiveness/discussion?

Evidences and pictures
Participants while taking the business skill training

Materials presented and used in the training