Climate Justice and Natural Resource Conservation

NMWEO  works on  different interventions on  environmental activities focusing on environmental protection.  Thus,

  • Rehabilitation of degraded lands, seedling production and distribution, water shade management and irrigation construction for women income generating activities.
  • Promotion of green economy by scaling up the direction of high value crops through small scale irrigation on agriculture based income diversification thereby achieving to improve livelihoods of poor women in rural areas.
  • Promoting environmental protection by forming and supporting environment clubs in schools of the targeted areas and rehabilitation of  mountain plateau which had been severely degraded.
  • Promoting  women’s resilience to climate change climate smart agriculture (CSA) was introduced which  included promoting and practicing of CSA and planting agro forestry seedlings.
  • Render activities to strengthen awareness and ownership of adaptation and climate risk reduction.
  • Small scale irrigation scheme building in a small stream to benefit women on plantation.
  • Activities in order to boost livestock production in the project area. And realization of  efforts to promote animal health practices and introduce drought tolerant fodders.

 Introduction of rural women and girls to energy saving improving  stoves and awareness creation on natural resource conservation, management and sustainable consumption.