Peach and Conflict Resolutions

One of the objectives of NMWEO is to promote peace and conflict resolution works by designing different intervention mechanisms. In this regard, NMWEO accomplished and participated by membership in different awareness creation on peace and   peace building  tasks.

Among these to be mentioned are:

  1. The Peace Ambassador of international Women Peace Group /IWPG/
    In this regard,  the executive directress of NMWEO  being a member of IWPG and  served as a peace ambassador of  international Women Peace Group and participated in different occasions to preach about  peace, online meetings.
  2. Certificate of appointment by IWPG for Tigist Alebachew Teklu, directress of NMWEO, appointed as a member of the IWPG PEACE COMMITTEE, ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA, to working in solidarity with IWPG and the 3.6 billion women of the world with motherly hearts to achieve cessations of war and inherit a world of peace to the future generation, September 2016.
  3. In cooperation with network of Ethiopian Women association NEWA Peace rally has been conducted  by our organization in cooperation with Addis Ababa Women Association, in Addis  Ababa ,selected areas.
  4. Press release has been conducted on the necessity of peace, peace building and peace activation together with NEWA, EWLA and Addis Ababa Women association.
  5. In cooperation with the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs discussion has been conducted with women groups on the role of women in peace building, conflict resolution and the necessity of peace.
  6. Weekly discussion held to promote peace and peace associated issues, l like working on peace, stake holders engagement in peace processes, and promotion, Incorporating the issue in our planning etc.
  7. Staff members of NMWEO received training on peace and conflict resolution in order to create acquaintance and improve their capacity.
  8. In our intervention on peace promotion we had participation and discussion with women led organizations leaders, in Addis Ababa.
  9. Our organization in cooperation with Network of Ethiopian Women association /NEWA/ organized African first ladies meeting on peace and conflict resolution.

Peace promotion and awareness rising in different celebrations prepared by NMWEO.