She Lead Ethiopia 2021 Pprogramme Work Activities

Two major events were conducted during training. Project Launching and enabling joint learning among stakeholders, partners and training on assertiveness to GYW. The men and women who participated in the launching workshop and enabling joint learning said they have gained a lot from the event and they will strive for the inclusion of GYW in participation and involvement. They will mainstream the issues of GYW in their respective institutions be it CSO, CBO, governmental agency or their respective schools. Partners participated and networked for further action.

The training on assertiveness and negotiation skills aimed at enable trainees and their positive (progressive) score on towards GYW assertiveness. The training was focused on motivation of young women to pursue leadership as a career when they grow up. It was also to enable them to be GYW’s voice for leadership and representation in all aspects of life. The students also said they will join clubs in their schools to be voices of women (Tackling violence). Participants of the watch party said it was enlightening and very relevant.

Combating negative attitudes towards GYW is essential to bring them in every possible scenarios and self-empowerment. This is through the Collective Action and common voice presentation for our right matters. The training focused on how GYW-led L&A, formal and informal institutions in target areas have achieved higher levels of meaningful participation and representation of GYW in their decision-making processes and structures.

Render capacity building training for key community Leaders, youth and women associations on negative social norms towards GYW. It focused on self-awareness, esteem and self-assertiveness in their life/life skills/ Necessary skills for decision making and difficulties in decisions in education, marriage and Occupation. Conflict management as life-skills to challenge existed attitude /negative social norms/ Gender roles/ towards education and empowerment of GYW.

Conduct awareness raising training on child protection, parenting skills, male engagement to enhance and protect of girls and young women from harm and violence and also promote social interaction among families enhance positive approach. This training was focused on how to grow children equally with equal social wellbeing, Socialization to some negative attitude towards Gender role and overcome by positive approach. Addressing violence and harmful practice still need attention and challenge Valuing women Domestic unpaid work and share the burden.

The training was conducted awareness raising for influential decision- makers (lobbing), like religious leaders, idir leaders, so as to facilitate actions towards GYW. Mobilized and render training to parents, religious leader (Girls and Young Women and role models to take part in the process of GYW positive approach). Training was focused on impacts of social agents in existed stereotypes created on Gender roles, Social norms/culture and attitudes impacts towards Gender roles and perspective. Division of labor and Gender role, problems to share burden and transform our perspectives to best towards women education and empowerment.