MNHDO has participated in the Beat famine conference

“Beat Famine” conference was organized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).We had a great chance sharing the experiences of different development agencies and governments working on environmental and land rehabilitation across the entire region by creating network for cooperative effort. Participating in the training “Enhancing Private Sector Investment in the Great Green Wall through a better understanding of Ecosystem Services and their values” that was held at in Bamako, Mali we receive valuable knowledge. The training took place on the sidelines of the “Beating Famine” conference which was held from 26th to 28th February 2019 at the same venue, as a part of “Closing the Gaps in the Great Green Wall” project, a Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded project implemented by UN Environment and executed by IUCN. And this created a practical learning and networking opportunity for the participant organizations.

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