Latest Update:Growth for the Future: “Building Climate Change Resilient Economic Capacity and Environmental protection role of Ethiopian Women through integrated approaches”


Implementation areas region, zone and woreda: Tigray, Central Zone, Axum Zuria Woreda

This project is intended to contribute towards the efforts being carried out in Tigray Regional State to strengthen the resilience of women and girls to climate variability and change by end of the project. Specifically, the project strengthens the level of awareness of 300 community members on women empowerment, climate change adaptation and environmental protection; diversify and strengthen livelihoods and sources of income for 5000 vulnerable women and girls through climate Smart Agriculture, Livestock and Agro forestry and  build adaptation and disaster risk management capacity of local government structures, CBOs and CSOs to reduce risks associated with climate-induced socioeconomic and environmental losses in Axum Zuria Woreda by 2020.

In accord to this, the following activities are undertaken in this quarter to contributing achievement of the overall intention of the project:

  • Finalizing 1 seed bulking centers (seed revolving center) to ensure sustainable supply and access of seeds to targeted farmers
  • Supporting 14 women groups that are engaging on production of local energy saving stoves to enhance their skills and expand their production capacity
  • Installing biogas plants for 70 women community members
  • Providing three days training and technical support in improved soil fertility management techniques (e.g. composting, mulching, intercropping, appropriate chemical fertilizer application, etc.) to 25 community members.
  • Undertaking area closures and R/A for enhanced natural regeneration and production of biomass
  1. Major accomplishments in the reporting period per outcome

3.1. Outcome one: Improved utilization of renewable energy sources by vulnerable women and girls in Axum Zuria Woreda

  1. Outcome indicator: Number of participates
  2. Baseline target 109 current status: 53
  3. Progress towards outcome target
  • Finalizing 1 seed bulking centers (seed revolving center) to ensure sustainable supply and access of seeds to targeted farmers
  • Supporting 14 women groups that are engaging on production of local energy saving stoves to enhance their skills and expand their production capacity
  • Installing bio gas plants for 70 women community members
  • Providing three days training and technical support in improved soil fertility management techniques (e.g. composting, mulching, intercropping, appropriate chemical fertilizer application, etc.) to 25 community members.
  • Undertaking area closures and R/A for enhanced natural regeneration and production of biomas

2.1.5. Finalizing 1 seed bulking centers (seed revolving center) to ensure sustainable supply and access of seeds to targeted farmers

The undertaking of the activity had started earlier, but the overall finishing work is completed in this quarter.

2.5.2. Supporting 14 women groups that are engaging on production of local energy saving stoves to enhance their skills and expand their production capacity

The selection of the 14 women was undertaken by he pertinent participation of relevant stakeholders;  land delivery for production of local energy saving stoves has been dealt with the government line office and finally ensured plus fenced.

2.5.4.   Installing biogas plants for 70 women community members

This is the activity that the government line office is interested to engage in and hence relevant deal has been done with the regional Water & Energy bureau in order to get relevant support from that side. Accordingly, we entered into signing of MoU and eventually the implementation has realized the installation of six biogas plants for the women community members. Though the plan discloses the biogas is meant for 70 beneficiaries, according to the technical standard set by the government energy bureau the budget would accommodate the realization of only 14 biogas plants. One biogas plant costs a total of ETB 18000.

Figure 4Biogas plant

2.6.1. Providing three days training and technical support in improved soil fertility management techniques (e.g. Composting, mulching, intercropping, appropriate chemical fertilizer application, etc.) to 25 community members.

The training was held by experts from the government office and active attention from the trainers as well as practical showcases of the trainers was so mutual and promissory for practical utilization of the beneficiaries.

2.6.4. Undertaking area closures and R/A for enhanced natural regeneration and production of biomass

This activity is also started earlier and the process has taken longer period of time. It is progressive work and the process is steady. By now, 100 hectare of land is closure and showing promising rehabilitation in the area. NMHDO hired two guards for the sustainability of the regeneration process in the area for environmental recapping and resilience.

Figure 5Progressively rehabilitating closure area

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