New Millennium Women Empowerment Organization

NMWEO and IOM/RRF have an agreement titled "rehabilitation of conflict-affected Households through provision of emergency NFI kits in Maichewu Town, Southern Zone of Tigray Region

NMWEO and IOM/RRF have an agreement for a three-month project, from January 1 to March 30, 2023, titled "rehabilitation of conflict-affected Households through provision of emergency NFI kits in Maichewu Town, Southern Zone of Tigray RegionNMWEO and IOM/RRF have an agreement for a three-month project, from January 1 to March 30, 2023, titled “rehabilitation of conflict-affected Households through provision of emergency NFI kits in Maichewu Town, Southern Zone of Tigray Region,” which will help 1000HH with NFI response.  … CLICK HERE TO READ FULL REPORT

Tigist Alebachew: a determined environmentalist, and ardent supporter of female independence​

Tigist AlebachewAwib LogoTigist Alebachew is a determined environmentalist, an ardent supporter of female independence and a proud AWiBer. She was born in Debrezeit and grew up in Addis Ababa. Tigist was the first born to her parents. Because her parents separated at an early age, she spent her childhood looking up to her single mother who always taught her  …

Certificate of Acknowledgement Tigist Alebachew

Akcknowledgment Cerificate - W/roTigist Alebachew

Latest News

April 11, 2023

This initiative, generously funded by EHF, encompasses a  comprehensive humanitarian approach. . Our focus lies in the rehabilitation of three schools namely Asum Primary, Aksum secondary and Preparatory, and First Minilik School Aksum town, …

April 11, 2023

New Millennium Women Empowerment (NMWEO)conducted consultation meeting among service providers and representatives of community members and IDPs in order to establish systems in complaint/feedback reporting, collection, handing and responses


February 1, 2023

NMWEO has received an award from the Ethiopian Public Health Association (EPHA) New Millennium women Empowerment organization /NMWEO/ has received an award from the Ethiopian Public Health Association (EPHA) for…

NMWEO has secured an RRF project

February 1, 2023

NMWEO has secured an RRF project NMWEO has secured an RRF project that will be implemented in Benishangul Gumuz, Asosa, Kumruk woreda. The project is on the Migrant Protection Assistance…


February 1, 2023

We address 1550 people through trainings, workshops and periodic community discussions on SRHR

NMWEO and AmplifyChange worked together to promote the elimination of GBV

February 1, 2023

NMWEO and AmplifyChange worked together to promote the elimination of GBV NMWEO and AmplifyChange worked together to promote the elimination of GBV, mitigate harmful cultural practices, and improve the living…

Progress Report on the accomplishment of the project titled: Improve the rights of Women & Girls with Disability through Economic Empowerment in Bahir Dar city Administration, Amhara Regional State


New Millennium women Empowerment organization /NMWDO/ has been working with integration of the AWA to improve the livelihood of women and girls with disability in the Bahir Dar city administration. The main activities of this project that has been accomplished by the NMWEO since the project implementation are:

  1. Screening and selecting 34 disabled girls and women in collaboration with Amhara women Association, Amhara Peoples with disability Association, and sub city partners in each six sub cities of the area.
  2. A one day launching workshop has been conducted with stakeholders and  donor in Baherdar city    Read full report >>>

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