
Provide Sanitary materials (Modes) for 560women in the Refugees camps

Provide Sanitary materials (Modes) for 560women in the Refugees

Provide Sanitary materials (Modes) for 560women in the Refugees Provide Sanitary materials (Modes) for 560women in the Refugees camps of the project target wereda. Dignity kit is the most need of women in refugee areas and host community because most women afford to buy these materials. From these providing MODES is the significance to one.In …

Provide Sanitary materials (Modes) for 560women in the Refugees camps Read More »

Celebration of 16 days activism about says no to violence

Celebration of 16 days activism about says no to violence

Celebration of 16 days activism about says no to violence Celebration of 16 days activism about says no to violence, the young girls and boys says no to violence, stop violence with their moto and wear t-shirt that depicts this issue. Mobilize 100 youths in the market and at community homes in two woredas to raise …

Celebration of 16 days activism about says no to violence Read More »

Progress Report on activity of business skill training and assertiveness training for 160 war-affected women through economic empowerment programme in Lasta and Lalibela wereda in North Wollo zone, Amhara Regional state.


Progress Report on activity of business skill training and assertiveness training for 160 war-affected women through economic empowerment programme in Lasta and Lalibela wereda in North Wollo zone, Amhara Regional state. The training was taken from  03/08/2022 -05/08/2022 for three days(business skill training) and  06/08/2022 for one day assertiveness training in the same station in …

Progress Report on activity of business skill training and assertiveness training for 160 war-affected women through economic empowerment programme in Lasta and Lalibela wereda in North Wollo zone, Amhara Regional state. Read More »

Assessment of GBV at Lasta wereda on 5 kebbele’s on GBV conditions of women and Girls as result of Conflict b/n The Ethiopian Government and TPLF

The females were discussed about GBV of conflict time at Dabo ketema

Assessment of GBV at Lasta wereda on 5 kebbele’s on GBV conditions of women and Girls as result of Conflict b/n The Ethiopian Government and TPLF The assessments was conducted in June 16-22, 2022 on 5 Kebeles of Lasta wereda(Medage,SegnoGebyeya, Shimisha, Dibiko and Daboketema) by 4 volunteers data collector and two NMWEO’s project officers supervising …

Assessment of GBV at Lasta wereda on 5 kebbele’s on GBV conditions of women and Girls as result of Conflict b/n The Ethiopian Government and TPLF Read More »

March 8 celebration at Lebu high-school

Capacity building for staff and Board Members of NMWEO March 8 of 2022 was carried on selected Lebu highschool by inviting other the project included schools(Temenja Yazi, Ginbot-20 and Abyot Kires) high school girls. Young girls at school produced by them selves such event and NMWEO supported the celebration. In the event they produced and …

March 8 celebration at Lebu high-school Read More »

Capacity building for staff and Board Members of NMWEO

Capacity building for staff and Board Members of NMWEO NMWEO designed a two days training for Staff and board members as a capacity building tool with project title:- Strengthening the capacity of New Millennium Women Empowerment Organization /NMWEO/ for more effective gender equality and women right advocacy which funded by Plan International Ethiopia.So, to do …

Capacity building for staff and Board Members of NMWEO Read More »

Project with IPAS (Project with IPAS )

Project with IPAS (Project with IPAS ) NMWEO as implementer empower women and girls in conflict affected areas of the region to take control of their reproductive health choices and strengthen SRHR linkage. This project implements with the support of IPAS and funded by Packard foundation. The trainings provide HEWs and Volunteers on identification and …

Project with IPAS (Project with IPAS ) Read More »