Project Management

NMWEO has implemented more than 113 projects with support from different national and international donors in various sectors. Through the last thirteen years the organization has developed strong skills in implementation and managing different sized projects successfully. For the successful management of the projects NMWEO has got several local and international awards and recognitions. Currently NMWEO has a strong and positive reputation at all levels from community to woreda, zonal, regional, and federal level government. NMWEO has expertise in adhering to donor and government requirements and compliances both programmatically and financially. To mention a few of our program major partners:

  • Amplify Change
  • Action –Aid Ethiopia
  • Oxfam
  • Un-Women
  • Ipas/Packard Foundation
  • SIDA/ Farm Africa UEWCA
  • CFLI / Canada Embassy
  • Finland Embassy
  • USAID / World Learning
  • CSSP1 and CSSP2