Growth for the Future: “Building Climate Change Resilient Economic Capacity and Environmental protection role of Ethiopian Women through integrated approaches”

Latest update as of September , 30, 2019

Executive summary (progress towards project outcomes and objective)

This project is intended to contribute towards the efforts being carried out in Tigray regional State to strengthen the resilience of women and girls to climate variability and change by end of the project. Specifically, the project strengthens the level of awareness of 300 community members on women empowerment, climate change adaptation and environmental protection; diversify and strengthen livelihoods and sources of income for 5000 vulnerable women and girls through Climate Smart Agriculture, Livestock and Agroforestry and  build adaptation and disaster risk management capacity of local government structures, CBOs and CSOs to reduce risks associated with climate-induced socioeconomic and environmental losses in Axum ZuriaWoreda by 2020.

In accord with this, the following activities are undertaken in the past three months to contributing achievement of the overall intention of the project.

  • Organizing 120 village-level women discussion groups that conduct discussion twice in a month regularly on environmental protection and sanitation.
  • Fixing Billboard
  • Piloting, testing and identify best climate-smart agriculture technology e.g. drought-tolerant crops S.W conservation measures, mulching, planting dates.
  • Provide initial seeds of improved drought-tolerant and high-value crops for 20 farmers each individual 20 kg distributed.
  • Constricting one water harvesting structure in the selected site.
  • Facilitate a quarter review meeting.
  • Distributing 100 energy-efficient stoves for 100HHs women’s

Out Comes

Outcome 1.1: Enhanced awareness of 300 community members on climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Outcome 2.1: Promoted and Practiced Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) and agroforestry practices and technologies and   benefit 950 vulnerable women in Axum ZuriaWoreda

Outcome 2.2: Implemented and practiced small scale irrigation and  access to water schemes in Axum Zuria Woreda to  address 575 vulnerable women and girls

Outcome 2.3: Improved animal production and husbandry in Axum ZuriaWoreda through improved animal health and promotion of drought-tolerant fodders

Outcome 2.4: Improved utilization of renewable energy sources by vulnerable women and girls in Axum Zuria Woreda.

Outcome 2.5: Improved natural resource conservation and management in Axum Zuria Woreda.

Outcome 3.1: Strengthened awareness and ownership of adaptation and climate risk reduction processes and capacity to implement at local government structures, CSOs and CBOs.

Outcome 3.2: Strengthened institutional capacity of local government structures, CBOS and CSOs to reduce risks associated with climate-induced socioeconomic and environmental losses.


More updates with respect to this project coming soon.

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