NMHDO crucial role in Women Empowerment By assisting Beyena Association in Aksum Published on Tigray Women’s Affairs Bureau June 2016: Volume 13 AREYA magazine pages 12 and 13(English)

An Association Which Gave Economic Solution for Women
Published on Tigray Women’s Affairs Bureau June 2016: Volume 13 AREYA magazine pages 12 and 13

“Beyena” is a name given by initial and senior members of the association to imply that their saving today enhances their life condition and savings for later life while the members of the association are realizing their dreams.

“Beyena” credit and saving association has been recognized as a legal association on Tikemet 12, 2003 E.C, October 2011 G.C, with 50 women as members and now the association is reaching more than 585 women from Aksum town at four Kebeles including center Statue of Hayelom and Kendera.

“Beyena” and other members of the association before coming together they did not have any income generation as well as no one to borrow or facilitate money access for their team. At the same time they had little or no knowledge about credits and saving which was a huge hindrance for breakthrough for them.

Along the way, New Millennium Hope Development Organization observed this problem of the association while seeking towards its women empowerment program in the region. The New Millennium Hope Development Organization proposed the women to work together and to empower them started giving continuous and close training on credit and saving issues and skill for different women which also enabled Beyena association to have better organization.

Then after selecting of 5 persons among the members to undertake  crucial work activities for the association through 3 committee,  6 credit and saving committee and part of the leadership chairs, deputy chairs and chair accountant. Furthermore for the credit and saving lead chairs in order to handle different kinds of documents, general assembly, administration, expenses and income statements, employee management and guidelines preparations trainings has been done so that the association is equipped with the necessary skills to upgrade the association.

“Beyena” credit and saving association out of the good work will of women economic empowerment started its functionality with New Millennium Hope Development Organization giving 50 members each 2000 ETB credit and total amounted capital of 100,000 ETB. And currently its general capital in cash is 108,162 ETB and with the association fixed asset included amounted 1,544, 896 ETB has been reached in total while at the same time the association has reached the capacity of lending 100,000 ETB. This capital is after audit report and in addition computer with accessories, printer, 2 table, 2 shelf has been given as a gift to the association.


The association is currently having 5 leadership and 9 main committees serving its members with complete records and documentation. And beyond the association, head chair Mrs Yayesh Tkele says that the association is holding its annual planning in a general assembly approval and for the annual actions where by the association respective leads present their achievements, problems and also listen to their members every two weeks gathering and for every annual meeting will discuss to solve problems timely.

Mrs Keyess Yehdego the accountant and the deputy chair who was documenting general assembles meeting minutes one whom served well by the association, said one of the problems of the association is not having its own office and they are working on progress to solve this and some office furniture accessories are collected for the same purpose.

Meanwhile in order to strength the association further they are working with different stake holders and added the accountant lead such as women affairs office and city governmental administration and non-governmental organizations; specially with governmental agencies where the financial supports are avail and are working with them. And once again, New Millennium Hope Development association has given the association different equipment.

For the above mention members and leads are having new member additions from time to time and they are encouraging saving and following them to return money borrowed in time. And from 50 planned new members increase 63 members was achieved. The current year they planned 192,600 birr saving and they are able to collect 199, 858 birr while 250 of these new members are saving 30 birr per month saving without ceasing. This is one of the very reasons they are having new additions.

And furthermore, the members of the association mentioned of there are many other women mothers in their Kebeles and neighborhood that also need to join the saving association and on advising them the assembly agreed to work furthermore.

The ‘Beyena’ credit and saving women community association planned to give credit 650 thousand birr and was able to lend 482 thousand birr to members who have been working on areas of  weaving Ethiopian traditional textile (Shemena), food preparation part and different item resellers.

Young member named Woreku Yasake, in this regard said that beforehand she had no kind of work she had many hindrances, But after the ‘Beyena’ program came she went to City Houses Administration Office and expressed about her condition then she borrowed money and started work. And currently she has the capacity of 20,000 borrowing capacity all these because of ‘Beyena’ had been giving her a credit for first time borrow.

“If you are poor your own brother even won’t borrow you any money even if they borrow you it’s not enough for barely anything. While,I have been working for longer period of time as a daily laborer. Yet, besides spending the daily income one house needs, I did not had any improvements. Then when the call to work together came by New Millennium Hope Development Organization through women affairs office, I joined without hesitation which gave me the opportunity to borrow money from Beyena association. And I started on tea and coffee café also bought milk cattle, 8 sheep and am reproducing them.” said who is also the association account money holder Mrs Mulu Hayal.

The association collection from its credit service birr amounted 991,830 birr and 42,132 Birr has not been collected and the remaining 945,698 birr is a debt to be collected from 448 women. And following, the women usage and proper spending of the borrowed money is the organizational responsibility of the association.

Beyena credit and saving community women association in addition works with different city women associations by lending money and expanding its outreach. For example, 10 ladies gather up and borrow money and invest it on bee farming and others borrowed 55 thousand and invest it on traditional weaving and these women are thankful for Beyena.

While other different development initiations are also borrowing money from Beyena and then after lend their members as 24 women groups as been benefited from are able to secure good jobs and paying back their money and their saving has reached 2,800 birr said Beyena Association writer and Femes development initiation chair Mrs Hiwot W/Selassie.

In the same manner Mrs Abeba Amare chair of Qesenet development initiation, said that association has borrowed money from Beyena and in return lending to their own members who has been working in different activities whom also has been able to help themselves and their family for better changes and economic empowerment.

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