
Piloting and Testing – Climate Smart Adaption

Piloting and Testing – Climate Smart Adaption NMHDO has started Piloting, testing and identifying best climate-smart agricultural technologies and drought-tolerant crops, mulching, planting. NMHDO provided 400 kg productive and drought-tolerant Teff and Wheat seeds for 20 women farmers which in average have ½ hectare farmlands on total farmland of 10 hectares.

Compatible Income Generating Activity and Village Saving and Lending Association (VSLA)

Compatible Income Generating Activity and Village Saving and Lending Association (VSLA) NMHDO empowered 61 women household heads economically in its integrative environmental protection project, after organizing the women in Village Saving and Lending Association (VSLA) which is composed of 12 members each, NMHDO injected financial support to the women in a form of compatible Income …

Compatible Income Generating Activity and Village Saving and Lending Association (VSLA) Read More »

Memorandum of Understanding signed among NMHDO, NEWA and CSSP2

Memorandum of Understanding signed among NMHDO, NEWA and CSSP2 NMHDO signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Network of Ethiopian Women Association (NEWA) and Civil Societies Support Programme 2 (CSSP2) to implement a two year project “Increasing the roles and capacity of women organizations and local structures to fight against GBV, advocate for the revision and …

Memorandum of Understanding signed among NMHDO, NEWA and CSSP2 Read More »

Benefits of the Biogas plants

Benefits of the Biogas plants NMHDO built 11 biogas plats for 11 women headed house hold on the project implemented with the budget secured from Farm Africa/SIDA “Building Climate Change Resilient Economic Capacity and Environmental protection role of Ethiopian Women through integrated approaches” Reduced fuel consumption of fire wood branches from 3 or 4 donkeys …

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MNHDO has participated in the Beat famine conference

MNHDO has participated in the Beat famine conference “Beat Famine” conference was organized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).We had a great chance sharing the experiences of different development agencies and governments working on environmental and land rehabilitation across the entire region by creating network for cooperative effort. Participating in the training …

MNHDO has participated in the Beat famine conference Read More »

Tigist Alebachew Director of NMHDO mentioned on AWIB spotlight

Tigist Alebachew Director of NMHDO mentioned on AWIB spotlight SOURCE:Tigist Alebachew: a determined environmentalist, and ardent supporter of female independence Tigist Alebachew is a determined environmentalist, an ardent supporter of female independence and a proud AWiBer. She was born in Debrezeit and grew up in Addis Ababa. Tigist was the first born to her parents. …

Tigist Alebachew Director of NMHDO mentioned on AWIB spotlight Read More »

NMHDO director Mrs Tigist has been one of the nominees for CHS alliance board member for virtual General Assembly Dec 2018

NMHDO director Mrs Tigist has been one of the nominees for CHS alliance board member for virtual General Assembly Dec 2018 CHS Alliance Board nominations Dec 16 PDF Earlier related posts: New Millennium Hope Development Organization has affiliated with CHS Alliance in addition to its existing partners. http://www.nmhdo.org/chs-alliance/