
Implemented different projects n diversified areas targeting women, girls and orphans and Vulnerable children.

  • Promoted green economy by scaling up the direction of high value crops through small scale irrigation on agriculture-based income diversification thereby achieving improved livelihoods of over 2,280 poor women in rural areas.
  • Addressed a total of 7,954 women and their families through IGA initiatives and improved their livelihoods, and reduced child labour abuse and illegal migration.
  • Promoting environmental protection by forming and supporting environment clubs in schools of the targeted areas and rehabilitated over 280 hectares of mountain plateau which had been severely degraded.
  • Established ICT center in High Schools, and hence more than 1,480 girl students as well as school community have gotten an enhanced their ICT utilization
  • Supported a total of 16 school mini-Medias materials, 14 in the city and in rural area. Two solar panels were installed to rural schools for broadcasting on climate change adaptation and mitigation education to the school community thereby reaching the larger portion of the community.
  • Over 38,864 individuals are addressed through RH and HIV/AIDS testing and counseling services through mobile clinics. /Mulu project/