Sara Gebrewahed ሳራ ገ/ዋሀድ

This project has opened my eyes and boosts my confidence, I am now not a stranger to computers

Sara is grade 12 student; she was born and raised in Axum town, Maebel Kebele. She lives with her parents and her five siblings. She is the second child to her parents.

Sara’s Father has retired and her mother is a house wife. The only income source for the family is the retirement pension that Sara’s father monthly obtains.

Sara is one of the girl students who has benefited from the ICT training organized under this project, more over the ICT center enabled her to access computer and internet service. This has been an opportunity for Sara and other school communities to access educational materials and also do assignments with computer. As Sara testified, this opportunity has helped her to improve her education and information management skills.

Computer skill training is not part of the normal academic curriculum, and since the family of Sara couldn’t afford to send her private computer training program, she is not familiar to computer usage. As this project established ICT center in the schools, it benefited students to be trained, Sara was one of them. The computer skill she acquires has helped her to access educational resources through internet browsing and be successful in her education. Sara is very happy that she is able to use computers; she said that she is now able to do her assignments in a better manner. More over opening email account and exchange message has boosted her self-esteem and confidence.

The project enhanced Sara’s and other student’s skill on information Communication skill. Sara is introduced to computer applications and internet services. She has now email account. Sara is very happy that she is able to use computers; she said that she is now able to do her assignments in a better manner. More over opening email account and exchange message has boosted her self-esteem and confidence.

Sara believes that her improved iCT skill will benefit her in her preparation for the upcoming national exam she is about to take. As she said, she is now downloading materials which helpful for her study.  Moreover, Sara has a plan to scale up her ICT skill after joining university.

 “This project has opened my eyes and boosts my confidence, I am now not a stranger to computers”

Project: Information Communication Technology for girls’ education and women’s entrepreneurship Lailaymichew woreda and Axum town Tigray regional state

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